A new video production is filling the vacancy created by the mass media. Science fiction, documentary, docudrama, multiplot, fanfiction, animation, hybrid, videologist. New and old languages ​​and ways of telling stories are overlapping, from remixes to digital platforms. Political, artistic, anarchic articulations are developing their audiovisual contents in a gray area, where traditional social movements never dreamed of achieving.
Digital convergence is the very trench of liquid, late hyper-postmodernity. It unequivocally sets out the challenges that have never been met. The phenomenon give us back the possibility of choosing one's own references, stolen by the cinematography that condemned viewers to perceive imposed realities. In a globalization taken by the freedom of a few, the search for equal rights and opportunities seems plausible to us.
DISPLAY was a series of events about transmedia and cyber films. It was part of the process of the development of the Ibero-American Audiovisual Network (RAIA), focused upon new means of expression in cyberspace. As a result, DISPLAY presented a thematic discussion on the dimensions and effects of a videocratic society, influenced (positively and negatively) by networks and screens.

Display Barcelona - Media and Control
Every second we are receiving images of all kinds. Invariably, these images carry messages, world views, interpretations of who we are and what we should be and do.
What will be the strategic actions to avoid the homogenization of the audiovisual spaces?
How to facilitate the promotion of audiovisual expressions?
Display Barcelona - Multiprotagonism a​nd diversity
Exhibition of the documentary "Reel Bad Arabs" that recognizes the urgent need for counter-narratives that do justice to the diversity of Arab's History and Culture, followed by debate about collaborative networks and the obstacles for free expression becoming more difficult to overcome.

Display São Paulo and Barcelona
Auto-representativity and identity
The debate took place simultaneously in both cities, about cultural identity of people, generally recognized for its unifying elements, such as territory, language and religion. For Zygmunt Bauman, the construction of a nation also means the denial of ethnic and cultural diversification.
Display São Paulo - Media and Control
The convergence of new platforms and screens is particularly interesting. A crack allows us to permanently change the controlling systems of the humanity imaginary.
What are the spaces of resistance and how to occupy them? What strategic movements can audiovisual artists and activists adopt to open participation? How to finance and facilitate the production and dissemination of audiovisual expressions?